
Welcome to Haoxuan’s Web Development Portfolio! This repository is a collection of my work in the realm of web and frontend development. It showcases a variety of projects, ranging from simple HTML/CSS pages to more complex applications involving JavaScript and modern web frameworks.


This portfolio includes a variety of projects and exercises that demonstrate my skills and growth in web development. Here, you’ll find everything from basic webpage layouts to interactive web applications.


Below is a list of projects contained in this repository. Each project has its own directory and README for more detailed information.


This portfolio uses a range of technologies, including:


This repository is primarily for personal display of my work. However, feedback and suggestions are always welcome. If you have any recommendations or notice any issues, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is open source.


Feel free to contact me for any information or if you have any questions.

Thank you for visiting my Web Development Portfolio!